What is the full form of IGCSE?

The full form of IGCSE is International General Certificate of Secondary Education. University of Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) developed this English language based examination.

Full form of IGCSE -  International General Certificate of Secondary Education
International General Certificate of Secondary Education

How many countries recognize and offer IGCSE?

Over 10,000 schools in 160 countries offer and recognize IGCSE.

The program focuses on adding value to the national context whilst also contributing to internationalism. It also focuses on securing cultural identity through specific language and literature courses, which encourages international acceptability.

Types of IGCSE Examinations

Cambridge IGCSE

In India, the examination is conducted in February, May and October. The examination board offers an International Certificate of Education (ICE) group qualification for candidates who acquire a minimum of 7 subjects passes across the following groups

  • Languages
  • Humanities and Social sciences
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Creative, Technical and Vocational.

The awards are on the following grades; Distinction, Merit, Pass. This requires two passes in languages, and one pass in any other group.

Additionally, top candidates are awarded the uppermost Cambridge achievement award on the category of ‘Top in Country’ and ‘Top in World’.

EDEXCEL International GCSE

EDEXCEL conducts this examination in January and June yearly.

OxfordAQA International GCSE

Oxford international AQAExaminations conducts this examination as a joint venture between AQA and Oxford University Press (OUP) in May/June and November yearly.

Features of IGCSE

  • IGCSE creates an ideal foundation for higher level courses like the International Baccalaureate Diploma program (IBDP), the North America Advanced Placement Test (APT) and A’Levels.
  • It is globally recognized and has equivalence with the Certificate of Secondary Education(CSE) India, The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and O’Level.
  • It develops learning adaptability, investigative skill and problem solving ability by encouraging an active and critical approach to study.
  • The syllabi give its students the ability to reflect on local economies and countries with a global outlook thereby ensuring a wide perspective which recognized and values the environment.

IGCSE also build a student’s knowledge base and understanding in; subject centres, intellectual enquiry, influencing the outcome, cultural awareness, flexibility and responsiveness.

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As a college student, my articles would encompass all the needs of a student or a professional working in Education. As a writer I prioritize readability in all my contents. My words are always simplified for easy understanding.