Lady K C Roy Memorial School , Ranchi

Village Tindir Ratu Road Kanke Block Ranchi, Jharkhand-824001

Overall Rating:


School Information

School Board: CBSE
Type: Co-Education
Hostel Facility: Day School
Address Village Tindir Ratu Road Kanke Block Ranchi, Jharkhand-824001, , Ranchi
Contact Number 6453409 ,
Email ID [email protected]
Admission Update
Coming Soon
School Level
Senior Secondary
Established Year
Medium of Instruction
Affiliation Number
Lady K C Roy Mem Trust

Principal's Details

Principal's Name Kamal Kant Das

Location Details

General FAQs

Which board is this school affiliated to?

In India all Schools that have classes upto Xth or XIIth have to be affiliated to atleast one board of education. Lady K C Roy Memorial School , Ranchi is affiliated to the the following boards: CBSE.

Does this school offer Hostel facility?

Lady K C Roy Memorial School , Ranchi does not offer hostel facility. This school does not have any provisions for residential scholars. Lady K C Roy Memorial School , Ranchi is a Day School.

What facilities are available in this school?

Lady K C Roy Memorial School , Ranchi offers the following facilities: .

Is this school co-educational?

Yes, Lady K C Roy Memorial School , Ranchi is co-educational. This school offers education irrespective of the student's gender.


Shubham Kumar yadav

18 Dec, 2019

"Free admission chahiye kunki Mei bpl dharak hu bahut kriya hogi apki"