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Sv Higher Secondary School Clappana, Kollam

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School Information

Address: Near G.l.p.s Kv Prayar, Karunagappally, Kollam, Kerala
Gender Classification: Co-Education
Establishment Year: 1918
UDISE Code: 32130500301
School Management: Pvt. Aided
Admission Update: Coming Soon

Academic Information

Lowest Grade: Class 1
Highest Grade: Class 12
Education Levels: Lower Primary, Upper Primary, High School, Higher Secondary
Language of Instruction: Malayalam
School Board for Class 10: State Board
School Board for Class 12: State Board

Teacher's Details

Number of Teachers in School: 80
Total Male Teachers: 19
Total Female Teachers: 61
Pre-primary Section Available? Yes
Total Pre-primary teachers: 2
Number of Head Teachers: 1
School Principal: JASMIN DIVAKAR

Location Details

G.l.p.s Kv Prayar
Location Type
Recently shifted to new location?

Infrastructure Details

Hostel Facility? No
Building Ownership: Private
Type of Walls: Pucca
Total Classrooms: 35
Number of Girls Washrooms: 4
Number of Boys Washrooms: 4

Facilities Offered:

Mid-day Meal Facility Meal Provided and Prepared in School Premises
Computers used for teaching: Yes
Number of computers: 12
Electricity powered classrooms: Yes
Library Facility: Yes
Total books in the library: 4120
Playground for children: Yes
Drinking Water Facility: Well
Ramps for Disabled children: Yes

General FAQs

Where is this school located?

Sv Higher Secondary School Clappana, Kollam is located near G.l.p.s Kv Prayar of Karunagappally, Kollam in the state of Kerala in India.

Does this school offer Hostel facility?

Sv Higher Secondary School Clappana, Kollam does not offer hostel facility. This school does not have any provisions for residential scholars. Sv Higher Secondary School Clappana, Kollam is a Day School.

What facilities are available in this school?

Sv Higher Secondary School Clappana, Kollam offers the following facilities: Electricity powered Classrooms, Library, Playground, Computers, Ramps for Disabled Children.

Is this school co-educational?

Yes, Sv Higher Secondary School Clappana, Kollam is co-educational. This school offers education irrespective of the student's gender.


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