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Top 4 Conspiracy Theories That School Students Must Read About

Reading Time: 6 minutes

What if our perception of reality is only partially correct and our understanding of possibilities is yet to expand? What if the world, as we know it, is only partially accurate? What if our understanding of space, time, animals, and ourselves is limited and far away from complete reality?

Years ago, it was believed that the earth was flat. This was the biblical worldview. When scientists claimed that it was indeed spherical, they were cast out of their communities and declared offenders. But years later, we know now that the Earth is Spherical. But it is astounding how mankind believed in something so utterly wrong with so much conviction over centuries. If this is how incapable we are about telling right apart from wrong, once we adamantly believe in it, maybe we should be more open to the idea of our perceptions being slightly flawed and limited, if not completely wrong.

Here are some conspiracy theories that might shake your understanding of the world that you live in.

The Galactic Federation – The Alien Interference In Global Politics.

The Galactic Federation

Th conspiracy of the Galactic Federation is one of the conspiracy theories that school students must read about.

Time Travel – A Confusing Future Or Just Another Conspiracy?

Time Travel

Another one of the conspiracy theories that school students must read about is the Time Travel “conspiracy”.

Time travel has been in question for over a decade now and we are not sure if it is merely a conspiracy, but due to the lack of any subjective evidence, we would still put it on the list.

The Illuminati – Beyond All Logic.


The Illuminati conspiracy is so famous that it has to be one of the conspiracy theories that school students must read about.

Octopus – The Alien Species On Earth

Octopus (Or Aliens)

Imagine a common aquatic animal being one of the conspiracy theories that school students must read about.

Do you think we coin these conspiracies only to make life a little more exciting by stimulating our brain, or that some people are just capable of perceiving reality however twisted it sounds? School students, who are only beginning to understand Physics and other Sciences, must investigate these conspiracy theories to stimulate their minds and initiate interesting conversations. Students should also watch podcasts about interesting conspiracies. To conclude, one of these things is more fascinating than the other- The reality or our perception of it.

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