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Why Elite Schools aren’t any better than other Schools?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What is Elitism? Is it a higher form of existence? A goal to be strived for?

While some people might feel this way, the reality is that elitism is exceptionally problematic. Born out of the very “us vs. them” mentality that humans have, which has led to things like casteism and racism, elitism is the final stage of segregation that most people are relatively okay with and allow it to exist.

Unfortunately for the so-called elites, having insane amounts of money doesn’t make them into higher beings than the most primal of cave dwellers. Elitism is just a state of mind and has no real bearing over the world, and it certainly has no place in schools and colleges.

There are a lot of things one should look for in a school when they are trying to get their kid admitted into it, whether the school is elite should never be one of them. Are the teachers in the school proper, how the recent result of the school has been, are parents of current students satisfied with the school, does the school’s ideologies match your own and whether it will pass on the same values to your children that you find are crucial for them. These are things that need to be considered way before the ‘E-word’ is even brought up.
But let’s take a step back and question what gives a school an elite tag? Is it just the fact that since the fee of that school is super high and it offers luxuries like AC classrooms and projector based learning it gets labeled as an elite school? Exactly what does an AC and a projector even have to do with actual education?
If you want your children to learn using video modules and stay in full comfort, then you would be better off keeping them at home and giving them a list of videos they need to watch on YouTube. But if you want your child to have proper grooming, learn how to make their own way in the world, how to interact with people and how to deal with situations, then sending them to any good school would get the job done just as well as sending them to the most elite school the world has ever seen.

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