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Peer Pressure and its Impact on Students

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Peer Pressure

Schools and colleges are the hubs of peer pressure. Have you heard this very often? Are relatives, parents, siblings and everyone constantly reminding you of how fast this can drive you off of your path and hence, it is the one thing you need to avoid? Well, it’s not just that. Let’s start from the beginning.

What is peer pressure?

If it has to be defined, peer pressure is the influence on a person caused due to his/her peer group. To elaborate, it can be said that when a person changes his/her ways of lifestyle, perspectives, habits and similar things in accordance to that of the people that he chooses to stay around, he is said to do so under peer pressure.

What are the different types of peer pressure?

Although peer pressure is often referred to negatively, it is not the case always. Depending on the outcome, peer pressure can be classified as positive and negative. If the youth is convinced to do or adapt to something which turns out to benefit or help them grow healthily, the peer pressure is said to be positive. On the other hand, if he/she is convinced to do something that leads them on a path which is bound to be hazardous for them in one way or the other, the peer pressure is said to be negative.

For instance,

What do we conclude?

Peer pressure plays an important role in the social and emotional development of students. It helps a person to have a better understanding of his/her opinions and feelings and hence, it increases their social skills. It is important to remember that it is not something permanent because it is completely your choice to make as to who you keep in your social circle and who you don’t. Even if one makes an unhealthy choice, it is never too late if he/she wishes to get back on track and start over.

I hope you find this article helpful to get a wider outlook about peer pressure and wish you best of luck for everything that is yet to come your way.

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