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A Guide To Online Networking For School Students

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The aftermath of Covid-19 was quite unpredictable in the initial stages. With the world moving to online platforms, it was difficult to sense the physical touch. The pause due to covid-19 has lasted for more time than we expected. Everything including economy and education was shifted onto virtual platforms. In the first phase of the lockdown, it was quite fun to learn and work from the pleasure of home, but gradually, the effects of only being at home were quite visible. This time was especially difficult for school-going children. They were completely disconnected from the outside world and had to cope up with their academics over a screen at home.

Child studying using an online platform

The screen was not enough, children missed out on playing out and meeting their friends, they also were keen to pursue their education on an offline basis. A survey was conducted all over the world, wherein parents and children were asked about their experience, of the stay-at-home culture, and the results were shocking. How being at home, has affected the social skills of kids, and their ability to interact with confidence has been hit hard. Parents also mentioned about their children lacking the networking skills that are of utmost importance, specifically in the early stages of education and overall growth. To give a thought, why is networking so important even at such an early or initial stage? Well, here are a few reasons listed as to why networking with other beings is important:

  1. In the running race, where everyone is moving ahead to be first, it is important to take along fellow mates, for better success. Children today are unaware of the importance of networking.
  2. Basically, networking refers to forming a mutual relationship with other people, using their own actions and their response. There is no pause when it comes to networking, it is a continuous and constant process and can take place anywhere anytime.
  3. Networking is not essential but also useful. In order to be aware, get updates, pursuing job opportunities, upgrading skills, or even just as simple as having support, networking can be truly useful.
  4. It is important to note that, networking does not limit only to fellow mates or students, but also to other people such as alumni, teachers, and friends. The term networking is a wide concept and has a varied number of concepts under its umbrella.

 Schools, specifically play an important when it comes to inculcating networking and related skills into children. As the first social place children are introduced to is school, this is where the process of networking starts. Due to the current urge for networking, The Lexicon Schools, have successfully included networking skills and methodology into their curriculum for students to grasp onto these skills and utilize them to the fullest. But what else children can do to keep up their networking game even during times like online educations? Here it is, a complete guide filled with tips specially curated for students and the online education system:


Evolution is the master key to networking, and schools provide this comprehensive approach towards networking, leading to the time-to-time evolution of the students. Well planned and instructional activities can give a high-quality outcome of networking. Students need to grasp onto any opportunity that they feel comfortable with and work their way through to build a structured network. The possibility of any contact coming into use from the built-up network is highly likely. Be confident, and surpass the fears, and start a journey of building a healthy network right from the schooling stage. Use the available resources, and make the most out of them. Also remember to think of mutual benefit. Thinking one way or being selfish can harm the base of the network leading to disrupting the foundation. Keep the process of networking reciprocal and synergize with the other fellow mates of the network. Keep building and keep growing, gradually and slowly to retain lifelong effects.

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